The Swarnaprashana administered to children on 17/12/16 . It was done at our home in Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore. We were
happy to have Sriman Dr.Ravinder Reddy who came from Hyderabad with the Prashana and here too we had a good number of 148 children who came from nearby areas and Sulur also. Some children from UPF also had the Prashana administered. The age group ranged from a 50 days old baby to 16-year-old teens.
Before administering the Prashana, a lamp was lighted with a prayer. A video presentation was given Dr Ravindra which contains a talk about the Prashana and its benefits by our HH Sri Swamiji. Coimbatore Vikasatarangini members had distributed pamphlets and spread the word well in advance. We started this camp at 9Am and we had children coming till 5Pm, as some children came after writing their half-yearly exams. We could see that there is a good response for all activities.