Women are the backbone for the family and the society. Its the responsibility of family and society together to take care of her.
Indian women have been victims of Breast and uterus cancers and this is because of lack of care towards herself and her shyness to open up her health issues. With this in mind VikasTarangini(VT) has started Mahila Arogya vikas, which is the brain child of HH Sri Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji, in 2007 at multiple locations.
Speaking about the women health care Swamiji said, since the inception of Women Arogya Vikas, 871 camps were conducted and has created awareness among 8,79,492 women without the use of the word cancer to avoid panic in the underprivileged women.
Now, VT sitanagaram, has provided mahila arogya vikas mobile screening vehicle to meet patient needs. This vehicle was inaugurated on the auspicious day of Bhishma Ekadasi (16th Feb ’19) by HH Sri Sri Sri Tridandi chinna Jeeyar Swamiji.
With the use of the WHO approved VIA tests and the colposcope women uterus is tested and reported. Further investigation and medicines are provided for needed patients. Thus preventing cancer in the initial state.
Not limiting to telugu states (Andhra and Telangana) VikasaTarangini has spread its wings to Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharastra, West Bengal and Nepal in spreading cancer awareness and protecting women from cancer.