On 14th April, 2024 at Marripalem. Mahila Arogya Vikas Viza team conducted a free women’s health awareness and preventive screening medical camp. #Cancer #Awareness and #Health #Screening follow up camp was conducted by #Mahila #Arogya #Vikas.
The camp was conducted from 10.0 am to 4.0 pm under the supervision of Dr. Vasantha (gynaecologist), Kims Icon hospital.
Camp donors:
Smt. Padmavathi,
Smt. Manga Ratnam
Marripalem VT.
Participated volunteers: |
Suma |
Bala Saraswathi |
K. Revathi |
A. Devi Priya |
Marripalem VT volunteers |
Total no. of womens attended the camp | Total no. of V.I.A done | Total no. of follow up cases |
85 | 57 | 3 |
The above follow up cases have been referred to Kim’s Icon hospital for further diagnosis and treatment.