On 14th April, 2024 at Marripalem. Mahila Arogya Vikas Viza team conducted a free women’s health awareness and preventive screening medical camp. #Cancer #Awareness  and #Health #Screening follow up camp was conducted by #Mahila #Arogya #Vikas.
The camp was conducted from 10.0 am to 4.0 pm under the supervision of Dr. Vasantha (gynaecologist), Kims Icon hospital.

Camp donors:
Smt. Padmavathi,
Smt. Manga Ratnam
Marripalem VT.

Participated volunteers:
Bala Saraswathi
K. Revathi
A. Devi Priya
Marripalem VT volunteers
Total no. of womens attended the campTotal no. of V.I.A doneTotal no. of follow up cases

The above follow up cases have been referred to Kim’s Icon hospital for further diagnosis and treatment.

Mahila Arogya Vikas
Vizag team conducted a free women’s health awareness
preventive screening medical camp
Mahila Arogya Vikas, Vizag team
Mahila Arogya Vikas, Vizag team conducted a free women’s health awareness and preventive screening medical camp