With the blessings of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji, the #Mahila Arogya Vikas Vizianagaram VT team organized two successful health camps in Kharagpur, West Bengal, with the support of Dr. Parvathi Patnayakji. The camps took place in Neerpur at SS Club and in Old Koli at Balaji Temple.

Camp details held on 30th November 2024, at Neerpur, SS Club:

Total Screenings75
Total VIA64
Follow-up Cases06

Camp details held on 1st December 2024 at Balaji Mandir, Old Koli:

Follow-up Cases05

The successful organization of both camps was made possible with the of Sriman V. Kumar Garuji from Kharagpur.

We inspired and guided the local community to form a dedicated team, which was eager to receive training and support from our Arogya Vikas team.

The camps were successfully organized by the Mahila Arogya Vikas Vizianagaram team.

Health Camps Organized by MAV with the Blessings of HH Swamiji.
Health Camps Organized by MAV with the Blessings of HH Swamiji.............
Health Camps Organized by MAV with the Blessings of HH Swamiji..........
Health Camps Organized by MAV with the Blessings of HH Swamiji.....
Health Camps Organized by MAV with the Blessings of HH Swamiji.1