VT is a pioneer in the animal welfare arena and frequently conducts free veterinary camps along with animal preservation camps, focusing on cattle.Prior to Indian Independence, we had 72 species of cows. Within 65 years we lost 65% of the species, and only 26 species of the original indigenous breeds remain today. The others are either corrupted or lost under the pretext of modernization and hybridization.

All the products of a cow are useful, including its dung and urine which not only enrich the soil as fertilizer but also are the main substrates in the indigenous Ayurvedic Medicine.VT is making an active effort in preserving the indigenous breeds, encouraging the use of their organic cow products and medicines, preventing cattle killings, and protecting the old and neglected cows.

Go Seva HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
Go Seva Divya Saketam Temple
Go Seva Serving Cows

VT (Vikasa Tarangini) is a pioneer in the animal welfare arena and frequently conducts free veterinary camps along with animal preservation camps

Still cattle were treated
camps conducted
Doctors participated
Locations Covered

Our Goals

  • Protecting the indigenous breeds
  • Protecting the old and neglected cows
  • Preserving the available original breeds
  • Producing cow products with their medicinal values
  • Encouraging the use or organic products
  • Increasing awareness about the importance of cow
  • Increasing awareness of miraculous medicinal properties of cow products

For this purpose a Gosala has been set up in JIVA campus in 2009.

HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamijji with cow in gosala

Veterinary Camp

HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji Veterinary Camps
Mega Veterinary Camp HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
Free Veterinary Camp Karimnagar Vikasa Tarangini
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  • Veterinary Camp in Conducted in Srikakulam

Veterinary Camp in Conducted in Srikakulam

February 28th, 2020|0 Comments

VikasaTarangini Srikakulam Wing conducted a Free Veterinary Mega Medical Camp at Sarubujjili on 28th February 2020. Mandal Special Officer N Damodara Rao, Smt.M.Ushasree, Srikakulam District Co-Ordinator,M.Vemana, District V T Secretary, Rajasekhar, Yuva Vikas Co-Ordinator,