VT Seva CEO HH China Jeeyar Swamiji ran to support a noble cause, cancer awareness and prevention.

The enormous dedication of volunteers across the world and in the USA for the past decade resulted in increased awareness and early detection testing for lakhs of women in Bharath.

Celebrating the 10th Annual VT Seva Dallas Walkathon for Cancer Awareness and Prevention, the team has completed a walkathon challenge together and have all logged double the goal of total miles to 20,000 miles

Join the conclusion of our event on Friday, October 30th, from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM CST where we will be announcing the top performers, play some fun games, and get firsthand information from our own VT Seva Mahila Arogya Vikas Coordinator Ms. Madhavi Ravindra.

Meeting Information:
VT Seva Dallas 10th Annual Cancer Awareness Walk Virtual Event
Time: Friday, Oct 30th, 2020 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Click Here to Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 836 4208 3057
Passcode: 320336

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